In this day and age a lot of pressure is put on people to splash out on their wedding day. It really isn’t a surprise to hear how huge loans are taken out without so much as a thought on how the money will be repaid. Some of this is to do with wedding expectation; after all, women have been dreaming of how their wedding day will go ever since they were little girls. They will have an image in their heads of their perfect wedding, and a strong desire to bring this into some sort of reality.
Friends and family don’t always help matters, as the grander the occasion, the more they will be able to indulge in the celebrations themselves – not that this is all selfishness on their parts, but society puts a lot of stock on bigger and better weddings.
So pity the couple that has to sit down and draw up a budget, when they do not have a large benefactor to call on to put forward the thousands of pounds needed to have a truly posh do. However, there is no reason to despair as with a bit of careful thought and planning, you can arrange a day that lives up to what you really wanted, which is the most special of days, without regretting it further down the line as you check your bank balance.
While you will need some sort of cash reserve to call on for the day to go as planned – hopefully you’ll get some help from parents and relatives – you can draw up a list of the essentials and how you can make these as cheap as possible, without feeling you have lost out in any way.
One of the first things will be to book a suitable venue. Booking a country house or grand looking venue may be something you feel is completely out of reach. But by speaking to a wedding co-ordinator you can find out if this type of location is a possibility.
Most wedding venues will have people employed to help you with your planning and can help to ensure your budget is always being taken into account at every stage.
The bride may have a good idea of what she likes and this can be discussed along with the costs this will probably incur. You can then agree on a package which is structured around what you can afford (or which won’t put you in serious financial difficulty) – and still be able to look forward to the most amazing of occasions.