We’ve found some amazing wedding necklaces to showcase here on the site and they all have a little extra bling. So if you’re looking to glam it up on your wedding day, check out these amazing necklaces for some bling wedding necklace style ideas:

Super colourful with just enough BLING!

OMG Yes! We are drooling 😛

This work of bling art is from Tiger Lilly Jewellery

Stella necklace on the way to Folsom, CA today #sparkle #shine

A photo posted by Tigerlilly Jewelry (@tigerlillyjewelry) on

This amazing piece would definitely get the attention a bride deserves on her big day!

So pretty!! 💎 #weddingjewelry #weddingnecklace #diamonds #girlsbestfriend

A photo posted by Dil Mil App (@dilmilapp) on

If you create wedding jewellery we would love to hear from you – contact us through our contact page!